C4K #1
Hi Rachel,
I love your blog! I am so impressed with the picture! It really makes the definition and the different measurements easy to understand. My favorite measurement is cups because I love to cook. Baking chocolate chip cookies is my favorite.
@pnaugle was a great clue to begin the search for information about Mrs. Paula Naugle. From her tweet account, I was able to find her blog site, http://pnaugle.blogspot.com/. Once on her blog page, I was able to find out that she teaches 4th grade math and social studies. She has been teaching for over 30 years. She uses all forms of technology in her teaching, which I found very refreshing. I have often wondered if teachers that have been teaching a while have been willing to adapt and incorporate technology into their classrooms and I can see that the answer to that is definitely "yes" in this situation. I look forward to following her class blogs and her personal blogs!
C4K #2
Hi Nicole! My name is Lisa and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your blog and the eight facts about yourself. It was really good for a first time blogger! I just started blogging myself, I think it is really fun. I am sure you will like it! I live close to the beach and fishing is one of my favorite things to do also. I have a son about your age and he loves to be near the water as well. I hope you enjoy blogging, maybe you will get a chance to look at my blog and send a comment. I would love to hear from you!
Hi Turuhira! My name is Lisa and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile,Alabama. I loved reading your story! My favorite part was that you said you had super strengths to make people happy! And, that you got it from your mum! I bet you are really good at making people smile, if you tell stories like this all the time! And, the costume is awesome!
I wish everyone wanted the super hero strength to make people happy! Wouldn't this world be a much greater place! I can't wait to read about your next adventure!
C4K #3
Hi! My name is Lisa May and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama in the United States. As part of one of my classes, I was asked to listen to your podcast! It was awesome! You did a great job explaining the book, it made me want to read it! I think it is great that you are learning to do podcasts at your age. I just made my first podcast a few days ago! If you keep up the hard work and learning all you can about computers and technology, you will have an amazing future ahead of you! Good luck in school! If you get a chance visit my blog at http://www.maylisaedm310.blogspot.com/.
C4K #4
I was very impressed with the website of the Pt. England School in New Zealand. Their philosophy on education is exceptional! I was also amazed at the extend to which they are using technology within their classrooms and how long they have been using it. To think these young children were doing podcasts as far back as 2007 and I just heard of a podcast this semester! Room 16 is a year 6 class which means that the children are ages 9 and 10. Based on the picture, it would appear that there are 29 students in the class. It is taught by Mr. Kent Somerville. They have just started their first term on Feb 2. The only post to their blog was done by Mr. Somerville the first day of school, proclaiming "2011". I look forward to watching it's development as the year goes along, I looked at past Room 16 blog posts and they are amazing! I wish they were doing these things in the schools that my children attended.
Search This Blog
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Blog Post #5
I watched/listened to 5 of the 7 links provided and found some to be more informative than others. In the Benefits of Podcasting, I really liked watching how the students were using the podcasts to enhance their education. It was great to hear the student say " Now, I listen to more than just Beyonce!" I thought that was great! It really shows how technology that children today are familiar with can be incorporated into the classroom. Also, having just had a child at home sick for an entire week, I can definitely see the benefits of podcasting. We had hours of homework to complete that could be managed much more effectively had podcasting of the lessons been available on the internet.
In Langwitches Blog, I found the interview with Silvia Talisano to be very interesting. It provides a great explanation of the many facets of podcasts and the behind the scenes work that has to be done. I love that they allowed the students to try different "jobs" until the they found the one they were most comfortable with. I think that allowing the students to actively participate in the education process truly allows them to "learn" the material. I t promotes more creative and analytical thinking. And, like the video said, kids can handle a lot more than we think they are capable of when given the responsibility.
In "100 Ways To Use Your iPod To Learn and Study Better," I found the information to be good but very dry and at times hard to stay tuned in to. But, I had not been exposed to that side of the iPod and really didn't even know that those capabilities existed. i thought it was just for music! So, I definitely learned something there!
In the Judy Scharf Podcast Collection, I found the link to teachertube http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=100030- to be extremely informative. It was very straight forward and easy to understand. And, considering that I am new to the world of podcasting, I really appreciated it's simplicity!
In the Practical Principals, I found it interesting that it really sounded like I was just listening in on a conversation between two people. This was also informative because it allowed me to see that it doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to get the point across. There doesn't have to be a lot of fancy equipment, just a desire to make something useful and interesting! A lot can be said for the human voice and the emotion that it can portray.
So, how can I use all of this in my podcast and in future podcast? I think that it exposed me to the many forms that a podcast can have. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you want it to be. But I think the most important thing that I learned was that you should be knowledgeable and you should be prepared. You want to hold your audiences attention through the entire video or audio so you have to have emotion and passion for whatever you are discussing!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Blog Post #4
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
This post is very relevant and very thought provoking! As were the posts and comments by previous EDM students. I was surprised that some of the students did not agree with Dr. McLeod or see the sarcasm in his writing! He makes a good point when questioning who will be ahead in the next decade. Technology is here to stay and if not used properly, it will be used negatively. It is our responsibility as parents and educators to teach our children that technology is good and should be used for that purpose. If we don't teach them the benefits of technology,then they will learn how to use it from their peers or through their own exploration. The point is, they are going to use it so why not teach them from the beginning the "right" way to use it so they aren't tempted. There are some crazy things available through the internet but as with most things, I think the good far out weighs the bad. And, if by chance a child comes across one of the darker sides of the internet, maybe that is a teaching moment in itself. Technology , as with anything else, is just a tool, how we use it is completely up to us! I would prefer that my students and children be exposed and prepared rather than sheltered and reluctant.
Dr. Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Educational Administration program at Iowa State University. He also is the Director of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE), the nation’s only academic center dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators, and was a co-creator of the wildly popular video, Did You Know? (Shift Happens). This quote is from his short bio found on his web page http://scottmcleod.net/.
The iSchool Initiative
I found this video to be very intriguing. Was it the idea of this student? Was it a collaborative effort by him and other students? Was he the spokesperson? Could this really be the answer? Could this work? Who sponsors it? What happens to the typical classroom? Does it apply to all stages of education? I think it raises some very important questions. I found it very interesting that there are so many apps available to aid in the education process, even change the education process. I realize that technology is available but what about the student that doesn't have the discipline to self-teach. What happens to the student that needs the text books? Can you teach a 5 year old in this way? It seems almost like a form of home-schooling? Then, are we removing the social aspect of school? Isn't that a part of the education process as well?
The more I think about it, the more disturbing I find this video and idea. I think that technology is a tool that should be used for education. But technology in itself is not the education. Students still need a teacher, classmates, peers and a classroom in which to collaborate and to learn. I may be taking the video to extreme but the idea of the iSchool scares me. I have visions of teenagers that never leave their homes or their rooms. They rely solely on the communications they have through their computers and phones. I have visions of very technologically advanced children with no social skills or face to face interaction. I think that the idea of the ischool could be successful when combined with a traditional school setting. It allows the students to use the technology that they crave and yet still receive human interaction, motivation and emotion.
The Lost Generation
I absolutely LOVE this video! I love the way it was done, the technique is amazing! And, how true it is that we often give this generation so little credit. They are teenagers, they are young and care-free but I truly believe they have learned from the mistakes of my generation. They not only see the consequences of the "me" generation, they have lived it and survived it. I think that this generation has more awareness than I ever had as a teenager. I am sure the majority of that is because of technology! The world is a much smaller place now. We see the impact of what we do today on tomorrow. We see how everyone and everything is dependent on each other. When I was a teenager, Africa or the Middle East, was a place on the map. Now, my teenager may be communicating via facebook or blogs with someone that lives there. We are no longer "isolated" in the United States, in Alabama, in Mobile. We are all members of the world's community and as such have to act with responsibility and with priorities. This generation is not lost, they are forging their path and as educators, it is our responsibility to lead them along the way!
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque'
That truly is amazing! Not only is the performance beautiful, to think that the internet makes it possible for all those individuals to sing as one is also beautiful. Another example of how technology has made the world a smaller place. No longer is there a need to travel hundreds, maybe thousands of miles to work with the top individuals in any field on any project. It has removed the boundaries that existed due to location. It makes it possible for so many things.
I liked the comment by Jennifer Chamber's as well. I guess we are all becoming bloggers! This class has definitely opened my eyes to the things that are possible with the internet and technology. I could spend hours clicking from one thing to the next, it is hard not to get lost, there is so much out there! Every day I find something new. It definitely makes you start thinking of the possibilities! If we can harness that excitement and pass it on to our students just think of the possibilities and the things that we ( students and teachers) will be able to create!
Teaching in the 21st Century
As I watched this video, it made me think about why I want to be a teacher. Why did I choose this profession? What does it really mean? I think as much as I want to teach, I want to learn. Having been in the business world for the last 20 years, I have felt at times that something was missing. As I reflect, it was at those times that I had quit learning! I think the human brain has an innate desire to learn. I think our brain almost craves it as our body craves food. As teachers in the 21st century, it is our job to preserve and develop this desire to learn in our students. We must keep them engaged so they will be life-long learners. Just think of the possibilities if we all kept researching, studying, engaging over our entire life time. It is said that the brain of a child is like a sponge. As teachers we must never let that sponge dry out. We must constantly be presenting challenges to the students through their lessons that allows them to push the limits, expand the boundaries and to create with out too many restraints. If we can take the lessons of the past and pass the knowledge that has been learned from those experiences to the students so that they can build on it, imagine the possibilities.
I think that to teach in the 21st century will be an honor! It will be an amazing endeavor to challenge the students, to forge a new path and to leave a mark on history! As technology evolves, our classrooms must as well so that we can keep the students engaged and creating as we move into the future!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Blog Post #3
Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today
As I watched this video, it made me think about the differences in my first college experience and my college experience now. Twenty years ago when I attended Spring Hill College, I was blessed to have small classes and all my professors knew my name. One of the benefits of a small school. There were no computers in the classrooms, no smart boards, ipods,etc. No one had a personal computer. When you had to write a paper the research was done in the library and the paper was written by hand. Occasionally if you were taking a computer class, you would visit the computer lab to do the assignments and get out as soon as possible. Social interaction was done in the cafeteria at meal times and in the dorm rooms and common areas. There was no facebook, my space, blogging, text messaging. So, I ask myself, was this a better or worse experience than today's college student? I don't really have an answer for that yet!
Here are some of my observations. My oldest son went to a state university for his first two years of college. He sat in huge classrooms with 300+ students, learned from a graduate student that taught on an overhead projector and had no personal interaction with his educators. I do not think this is the way education should be. The students need to be engaged. They are bored by this type of education and many get lost in the system. They bring computers, cell phones and ipods to class and are plugged in to all this technology and are not listening or learning in the classroom. So, how do we as teachers make sure that they are not facebooking during our lecture. How do we make sure they are listening to us rather than the newest songs on their ipod? How do we make sure they are prepared for the jobs of the future? How do we make sure that they can communicate effectively in person as well as through technology? I think this is the challenge of today's teachers. We have to be able to develop the desire to learn within our students through all mediums. We have to be able to use all of the technology that is available to us so that they will engage the students and make them hungry to learn more.
So, the comparison of my education for my first degree, his education and my education at South now creates some interesting questions. Which works better? Who is more prepared for the "real world"? Who learns the most in each situation? That is all still to be determined, I guess. It will be interesting to look back after I have more experience at South and see in which way I learned more. It would be interesting if the film was further developed by talking to the professors who have been teaching for the last 30 years. They have seen the transformation in students and in technology. Have they been able to adapt? How are they adjusting? Are they willing to change their teaching methods to adapt to the "new student"?
"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
I loved reading this post! I think it does get to the heart of things. Technology is not the answer in and of itself! The teacher must be motivated and willing to use the technology to teach the basics as well as the information of the future. A computer in the classroom doesn't mean that the student is going to learn more just by the virtue of it being there. We as teachers need to light a fire within our students to learn the best and most effective way to use that computer to further their desire to learn. We need to continually be developing our teaching skills by learning how to incorporate that technology in our classrooms. We must always be willing to learn and most of all be able to instill that desire for learning in our students. We need to lead them by example, let them see that we ourselves are students. That we can teach them the basics but we can further that education by learning together how the basics apply to our current world and situation. The students don't want to read and memorize as I did when I was in school. They want to how they are going to use the information. It is our job to relate it to real life applications and challenges and this can be done with technology. We must be excited and motivated and in turn our students will be as well!
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
I found it interesting that this article was written in 2007. I wonder if Mr. Fisch feels that any progress has been made in the field of education. As hard as it is for me to admit, I do agree that being technologically literate as a teacher today is as important as knowing how to read, write and do math. I have fought technology and only learned what I had to get by but now I see the importance and I am very intrigued by all that is out there. I knew the systems that had to be used in the world of mortgage finance but had no idea of the power of blogging, tweeting, or researching on the internet. My kids use technology much more effectively than I have but I hope to change that. I have a true desire to learn and am passionate about using it once I get into a classroom. I think that as long as the teachers continue to be life long learners, then we can and will be able to incorporate technology into our classrooms and prepare our students for the future. We can't teach them what we don't know but if we are willing to learn along side them, it is a win-win situation for everyone. The classroom becomes a place where the student and teacher can share ownership - we can challenge our students and ourselves to try new things and thus we all win!
Garys Social Media Count
Those numbers are staggering! I know that social media is a huge part of our society today but had no idea of the numbers. I think as an educator, these numbers show us that we have to be ever changing and willing to adapt to the advances of technology. We have to find a way to harness the students interest in socializing and direct it toward problem solving and learning. If we can make use of there desire to use computers for the benefit of learning and developing critical thinking, just imagine the possibilities! I look forward to a future where the children share ownership in the curriculum and they are rewarded for creative and innovative ways of using the power of technology to learn and teach each other. After all, we learn and are most influenced by our peers so we as teachers should learn form each other and students should be encouraged to as well!
As I watched this video, it made me think about the differences in my first college experience and my college experience now. Twenty years ago when I attended Spring Hill College, I was blessed to have small classes and all my professors knew my name. One of the benefits of a small school. There were no computers in the classrooms, no smart boards, ipods,etc. No one had a personal computer. When you had to write a paper the research was done in the library and the paper was written by hand. Occasionally if you were taking a computer class, you would visit the computer lab to do the assignments and get out as soon as possible. Social interaction was done in the cafeteria at meal times and in the dorm rooms and common areas. There was no facebook, my space, blogging, text messaging. So, I ask myself, was this a better or worse experience than today's college student? I don't really have an answer for that yet!
Here are some of my observations. My oldest son went to a state university for his first two years of college. He sat in huge classrooms with 300+ students, learned from a graduate student that taught on an overhead projector and had no personal interaction with his educators. I do not think this is the way education should be. The students need to be engaged. They are bored by this type of education and many get lost in the system. They bring computers, cell phones and ipods to class and are plugged in to all this technology and are not listening or learning in the classroom. So, how do we as teachers make sure that they are not facebooking during our lecture. How do we make sure they are listening to us rather than the newest songs on their ipod? How do we make sure they are prepared for the jobs of the future? How do we make sure that they can communicate effectively in person as well as through technology? I think this is the challenge of today's teachers. We have to be able to develop the desire to learn within our students through all mediums. We have to be able to use all of the technology that is available to us so that they will engage the students and make them hungry to learn more.
So, the comparison of my education for my first degree, his education and my education at South now creates some interesting questions. Which works better? Who is more prepared for the "real world"? Who learns the most in each situation? That is all still to be determined, I guess. It will be interesting to look back after I have more experience at South and see in which way I learned more. It would be interesting if the film was further developed by talking to the professors who have been teaching for the last 30 years. They have seen the transformation in students and in technology. Have they been able to adapt? How are they adjusting? Are they willing to change their teaching methods to adapt to the "new student"?
"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
I loved reading this post! I think it does get to the heart of things. Technology is not the answer in and of itself! The teacher must be motivated and willing to use the technology to teach the basics as well as the information of the future. A computer in the classroom doesn't mean that the student is going to learn more just by the virtue of it being there. We as teachers need to light a fire within our students to learn the best and most effective way to use that computer to further their desire to learn. We need to continually be developing our teaching skills by learning how to incorporate that technology in our classrooms. We must always be willing to learn and most of all be able to instill that desire for learning in our students. We need to lead them by example, let them see that we ourselves are students. That we can teach them the basics but we can further that education by learning together how the basics apply to our current world and situation. The students don't want to read and memorize as I did when I was in school. They want to how they are going to use the information. It is our job to relate it to real life applications and challenges and this can be done with technology. We must be excited and motivated and in turn our students will be as well!
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
I found it interesting that this article was written in 2007. I wonder if Mr. Fisch feels that any progress has been made in the field of education. As hard as it is for me to admit, I do agree that being technologically literate as a teacher today is as important as knowing how to read, write and do math. I have fought technology and only learned what I had to get by but now I see the importance and I am very intrigued by all that is out there. I knew the systems that had to be used in the world of mortgage finance but had no idea of the power of blogging, tweeting, or researching on the internet. My kids use technology much more effectively than I have but I hope to change that. I have a true desire to learn and am passionate about using it once I get into a classroom. I think that as long as the teachers continue to be life long learners, then we can and will be able to incorporate technology into our classrooms and prepare our students for the future. We can't teach them what we don't know but if we are willing to learn along side them, it is a win-win situation for everyone. The classroom becomes a place where the student and teacher can share ownership - we can challenge our students and ourselves to try new things and thus we all win!
Garys Social Media Count
Those numbers are staggering! I know that social media is a huge part of our society today but had no idea of the numbers. I think as an educator, these numbers show us that we have to be ever changing and willing to adapt to the advances of technology. We have to find a way to harness the students interest in socializing and direct it toward problem solving and learning. If we can make use of there desire to use computers for the benefit of learning and developing critical thinking, just imagine the possibilities! I look forward to a future where the children share ownership in the curriculum and they are rewarded for creative and innovative ways of using the power of technology to learn and teach each other. After all, we learn and are most influenced by our peers so we as teachers should learn form each other and students should be encouraged to as well!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
C4T comment 1
So, my name is Lisa May and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. John Strange's EDM310 class and my first assignment was to view your blog and comment - so , I see a really good looking guy with an icicle - totally not what I expected - my first thought was "What? How does this relate to education?" Then I thought I hope all by assignments are this pleasing to the eye! Thanks for the break in what was a rather overwheming first week of classes. I look forward to your future posts!
My tweeter address is @lmmay001 and my blog page is Lisa May's EDM310 Class Blog and help or comments you may have for an aspiring teacher would be greatly appreciated!
January 30, 2011 7:21 PM
"She Who Laughs Last.."
I read this article and tried to think what was the last thing that really made me laugh? I couldn't think of anything,then I asked myself, "How sad is that?" I realized that maybe I have been rushing through life so serious and trying to accomplish all these little tasks involved in raising a family, working and going to school that I have forgotten to look for the humor and happiness in the small things - so, thank you for two things:
1. Providing those facebook postings that definitely made me laugh - especially the bedtime chasing because with our big family and three sick kids this past week, musical beds is all to familiar!
2. Making me realize that I need to slow down and appreciate the humor in my life! And believe, there is plenty of it with 8 kids,a husband,work,school... - I had just forgotten to laugh at it! Laughing does make it all more bearable!
My tweeter address is @lmmay001 and my blog page is Lisa May's EDM310 Class Blog and help or comments you may have for an aspiring teacher would be greatly appreciated!
January 30, 2011 7:21 PM
"She Who Laughs Last.."
I read this article and tried to think what was the last thing that really made me laugh? I couldn't think of anything,then I asked myself, "How sad is that?" I realized that maybe I have been rushing through life so serious and trying to accomplish all these little tasks involved in raising a family, working and going to school that I have forgotten to look for the humor and happiness in the small things - so, thank you for two things:
1. Providing those facebook postings that definitely made me laugh - especially the bedtime chasing because with our big family and three sick kids this past week, musical beds is all to familiar!
2. Making me realize that I need to slow down and appreciate the humor in my life! And believe, there is plenty of it with 8 kids,a husband,work,school... - I had just forgotten to laugh at it! Laughing does make it all more bearable!
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